Put Your Best Fork Forward for National Nutrition Month® 2017

Mango Boat Chicken Curry   This year’s theme for National Nutrition Month® is “Put Your Best Fork Forward.” Whether your tool is a fork, spoon, chopsticks or your hands – nourish yourself well. One way I do this is by exploring new foods and cuisines. Recently I picked up little knobs of fresh turmeric and was […]

The Savory Side of Chocolate

Cacao Nib Tapenade When my husband suggested a lemon dessert for Valentine’s Day to go with some fresh raspberries he brought home my first thought was, what about chocolate? Chocolate had to appear on my menu for this special day so I turned to a box of unsweetened cacao nibs in my pantry. I whirled […]

February is American Heart Month

Parchment-Baked Chicken with Caramelized Onions and California Figs Good nutrition is key to the prevention of heart disease, which remains the top cause of death in the United States (1).  Want to learn more? Check your knowledge of heart disease with the Center for Disease Control Quiz (2). Assess your risk by taking the My […]

Move Over Guac

Mediterranean Nachos It’s not that I don’t like guacamole, or bean dip, or hummus. It’s just that these common party snacks are just that – common. Bring something new to the Super Bowl table on February 5, or anytime you have an event that calls for munchies.  Mediterranean Nachos is a dish that’s different enough […]

Best App for 2016

No – it’s not an app for your phone, this is my go-to appetizer for holiday parties.   Why?  The recipe requires only a handful of ingredients, it goes together in a snap, and most of the prep can be done ahead. And I love the combination – robust blue cheese, finely chopped figs and toasted […]

Get Ready for the Holidays: How a Treat Early in the Day Might Help

Cookies for breakfast?  Not my idea but a couple of tasters said these dark chocolate, fig and oat bars make a perfect morning food. Why not?  They’ve made with whole grain oats, a classic breakfast food, nutrient-rich figs and dark chocolate, an ingredient with a definite “health halo.” Some argue that having a sweet treat […]

Halloween – How Sweet!

We all know Halloween is not just about costumes, haunted forests and bobbing for apples – it’s the candy.  Perfect timing to talk about sugar. In August, the American Heart Association (AHA) came out with new recommendations to limit added sugar for children over the age of 2 to no more than 6 teaspoons (25 […]

Coffee – Grounds for Concern?

A client recently asked, “Are there health risks to drinking coffee?” The question comes up often. Nearly 2/3 of Americans (64%) have at least one cup of coffee daily according to 2015 Gallup research (1).  Does it cause dehydration? No, the slight diuretic effect is offset by the fluids.  Ulcers?  Coffee doesn’t cause ulcers although […]

Let’s Go Bowling!

Italian-Style Grain Bowl with California Figs Bowls are the “it” way to eat. Everywhere you look for recipe idea you’ll find noodle, smoothie and grain bowls.  Recently I created a bowl recipe and  my family was smitten. I got it. Bowls are perfect for personalization. Today people expect to have food “their way.”  (Reference 1.) […]

Cooking – Whose Got Time for That?

 Salmon Salad for Summer It’s no secret. I love to cook. But like most people, I don’t always have time for it. The popularity of processed food is evidence that many struggle with getting a home-cooked meal on the table. Half of Americans say they value processed foods because they’re convenient, stay fresh longer and […]