It’s Grill Season

Grilled Caesar Salad with Aquafaba Dressing and Parmesan Chickpea “Croutons” I’d say chickpeas are having a moment, but anyone from Turkey, South Asia, the Middle East or Africa, where they’ve long been a staple food, would laugh (1).  In “How Did Chickpea Flour, A Staple of Indian Cuisine, Become A Health Food Sensation? ”  (2 […]

Give Your Eggs Benedict a Healthy Twist with Avocado

Eggs Benedict with Avocado “Butter” Sauce Americans love avocados. The world loves them, too. Consumption is “off the charts” according to the World Avocado Association (1,2). U.S. avocado consumption has tripled since the early 2000s to 7.8 avocados per capita. We gobble up 75% of Mexico’s avocado production, the world’s top producer (3). The silky […]

Your Heart Says, “Seafood Please!”

Greek-Style Tuna and White Bean Salad February is American Heart Month.  Did you know the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that healthy people eat one to two meals each week of fish or shellfish, especially the oily kind rich in omega-3 fats, eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and dososahexanoic acid (DHA)? The benefits are big. Regular seafood […]

Invite This Salad to your Holiday Table

Christmas Slaw with Farro, Pomegranates, Cherries and Pistachios Every feast needs something fresh and crunchy to balance rich holiday foods.  Here it is.  Call it a slaw, since it has purple cabbage, but that’s where ordinary ends. This slaw is powered with super-food status foods with histories of nourishing people since ancient times. Farro, an […]

Soup So Easy You (Almost) Don’t Know You’re Cooking

Roasted Carrot Soup with Ginger, Lentils, and Dukkah The resurgence of the Covid-19 virus has kept many people in the kitchen cooking more than they choose. As a friend said last week, “I am so sick of cooking!” Even fanatical cooks like myself need a break from the kitchen on occasion, but local restaurants are […]

Find Foods Right for You

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Bowl with Figs and Seeds What makes you choose one food over another? If your answer is “taste!”, you’re not alone. There are many reasons we choose foods, but taste is number one, according to fifteen years of consumer research conducted by the International Food and Information Council (IFIC) (1). Food package […]

Enjoy the Last of Summer’s Bounty

Rosemary Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Peach Mustard & Grilled Peaches Tomorrow, September 22, 2020 is the fall equinox. While I hate to see summer go, I’ve been pleasantly distracted with late-summer produce- enjoying the best of the season’s bounty and preserving some for eating later in the year. My husband lets nothing get in the […]

Bean Cuisine

Margarita-Style Layered Black Beans with Homemade Tortilla Chips If you’re sold on the benefits of beans, summarized in  The Power of Pulses, but not sure about cooking them yourself, here a quick guide. (Canned beans are convenient, but cooking your own is easy, economical and creates less waste.) Select Fresh Dry Beans Shop for dried […]

The Power of Pulses

A Master Recipe for Marinated Beans There’s no shortage of inspiration for cooking pulses (beans and lentils) – people have been eating and growing them for some 11,000 years (1). Foundational to cuisines around the world, today they’re as popular as ever as folks focus on plant-powered eating and ways to support sustainable agriculture. Pulses, […]

Going Bananas?

Going Bananas? Hazelnut Chocolate Banana Loaf Stay-at-home orders have spawned a resurgence of baking (3). Banana, bread has been called the “unofficial baked good” of the Covid-19 pandemic. In April, banana bread topped the charts as the most googled recipe in the U.S. and worldwide (1,2,3). Who knew I was on-trend when I started tinkering […]